HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL BRAND – MARTHA STEWART  STORY Martha Stewart is not just a person, she is a brand and a household name at that. There is no better case study for anyone looking to create a personal brand. Martha is a business magnate, media personality, author and magazine publisher. She is the [...]

BE SO GOOD THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU – IVANKA TRUMP   STORY Ivanka Trump was born on October 30th, 1981. As the daughter of Donald Trump she began with more than a humble beginning. Nonetheless, she has proven to be more than worthy of her last name.  Her resume reads like a list of a [...]

I took this photo at Grand Central Station before hopping on a train to spend the weekend in Nantucket. One week down and 3 to go! If you haven’t already, you can read about my 30 day challenge HERE. Here’s the breakdown from my 1st week of my 30 Day Challenge of not checking my [...]

Lately I feel like I’m working more than ever, but at the end of the day instead of feeling satisfied I’m disappointed by the long list of things that I didn’t have time to get to. Don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE what I do! But as my businesses grow, so do the levels [...]

As you may know, I had the incredible honor of speaking at Scandinavia’s largest e-commerce summit last week. I can’t even begin to describe what an exciting experience the whole event was. It was my first time speaking abroad, and alongside my husband, as we presented just exactly what Pinterest is and how to use [...]

In just it’s infancy, Pinterest has proven to be a social media power player. It’s already referring more traffic than Twitter and generates more revenue per click than Facebook! However savvy entrepreneurs, such as myself, are always looking for ways to combine and streamline their social media efforts. So when I discovered a way to [...]

I had the opportunity yesterday to attend a wonderful lecture at the New York Junior League. Entrepreneur Nada Jones gave some advice for setting out on an entrepreneurial journey. Her advice was sound, but it was what she said about social entrepreneurship that really resonated with me. It seems to be a term that I’m [...]

A Humbling Experience
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Our daily lives are so filled to the brim, it usually takes something pretty significant to grant us perspective. Last week I had the honor of speaking at the Business School of my alma mater Chapman University. Like many entrepreneurs, I am blessed to experience little successes and achievements almost everyday. But it’s hard to [...]

Starting a business is both one of the most EXCITING and TERRIFYING things you will ever do in your life. Choosing your path and selecting the idea for your business is an area that I see a lot of people really struggle, so I wanted to put together a video today and share some advice [...]

The Key to Growth
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I recently watched this great TEDtalk that mentioned that everything on our body constantly grows and regenerates, our hair, our nails, ect. But how about our minds? Our comfort zones? Our lives? If get stuck in our routines and we don’t actively and engage our minds we don’t grow. Now, this is rather unfortunate so [...]

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